Founded in 2021 by Carmela Gianfagna following her involvement in the Great Get Together weekend the previous year. Inspired by Jo Cox’s quote “We have more in common than that which divides us” Carmela felt a compelling need to continue the theme of connection. Soon after she organised the first free outdoor Taiji Qigong class at the Glebelands, creating an opportunity for people to connect safely with nature, self and others while providing some respite from the challenges and isolation that so many were experiencing at the time. Practicing this calming, healing system in natural surroundings seemed the perfect antidote to the common feelings of fear, anxiety and disconnection.

Carmela Gianfagna has been teaching Taiji Qigong (Shibashi) in Newport since 2007 and has also taught classes at mental health charities, health awareness days and a home for the elderly. After a long career as a Shiatsu Practitioner and Traditional Acupuncturist specialising in anxiety and stress-related conditions, Carmela felt it was time to reach and empower more people through teaching Taiji Qigong. Included in her sessions are self-care techniques for improving mental and physical well-being such as breathing exercises, mindfulness, shaking, healing sounds and the use of acupressure points.

Carmela’s first experience of Qigong was in the early nineties, during her shiatsu training with the European Shiatsu School in London where she was introduced to the ancient style of Ba Duan Jin (8 strands of the brocade). Since then, she has studied various styles including Huagong Qigong and Dragon Tiger Qigong and is qualified to teach Taiji Qigong (Shibashi) Sets I & II. Over the last couple of years, she has studied online with Dr Roger Jankhe, Master Faye Li Yip, Master Mantak Chia and Lee Holden. Carmela has always been passionate about sharing and encouraging self-care skills.